Sunday, December 27, 2009

how the notes all bend and reach above the trees

I like running alone. Listening to Shawn complain makes my knees hurt, which might be the ultimate manifestation of empathy, but which also defeats the purpose of running. When I'm alone I can get outside my body completely. I like how the little birds scatter when I get close, as though they're actually in any danger of my overtaking them in a flurry of beating wings. They think I can fly and I like them for thinking so.



heartinsanfrancisco said...

This is lovely and made me smile.

I wish somebody thought I could fly. Even if it were only me.

mischief said...

Lovely heart, I *do* think you can fly. Your words absolutely soar. And when someone else believes you can fly it makes it so much easier to imagine you really could. So just close your eyes... you can.

People say you're supposed to have faith in yourself first, but isn't it so much easier when someone else already does? I'm absolutely certain you're more capable of flying than you know just yet.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Awww, this was just what I needed right now. Thank you!

When I was a small child, I really could fly. I left my body in bed every night and traveled, until my mother assured me that it wasn't possible. I was about three, I think. It's sad that our wings are often clipped before we even know we have them.

mischief said...

"Wings will grow back. Keep an eye out on the wing growth and trim them again before he can take flight. Many people lose their birds when the wings grow back. They are unaware that the wings have grown back."

New information to me. I assumed that once clipped, the bird was flightless forever. Apparently this is not the case. Interesting that they can grow back without anyone even noticing, hmm?