Saturday, April 25, 2009

something to say, but i'm so far away that i don't know who i'm talking to

I'm trying to make Shawn eat his vegetables. It's been an uphill battle in the past. He likes meat. He likes potatoes. He likes junk. So I've snuck spinach into spaghetti sauce, hidden a few flax seeds here and there... but never to a degree that felt like I was making any real headway.

Suddenly, just recently, he's expressed a new interest in eating better. And I'm jumped all over it in case it doesn't last. I got him to eat mango-tango salad last night, and yogurt and fruit for breakfast this morning, and egg on toast with red peppers for lunch. I'm totally surprised that's stuck with me for three consecutive meals. Maybe he really means it. Unfortunately, the key seems to be that I have to be the one doing all the food preparation, which is NOT one of my most favourite things in the world. Maybe it's worth it, though.



All your Ivy belong to us said...

Obviously I'll just have to come up there and do all your cooing. Best option for everybody. :)

Short of that, they do have cookbooks (aimed at moms of young kids) with recipes for sneaking veggies into meals without the kids noticing.

mischief said...

I would love you to do all my cooking (or cooing). :)

Yeah, recipe books. Sigh. Cooking. Sigh. Sighhhh.