Sunday, April 28, 2019

Look, how she rubs her hands.

There is a soap or aftershave or cologne or scent-of-something that is sticking to me, not at all unpleasant, but unfamiliar, and has lasted beyond my shower, which makes me wonder if it is only in my mind.  People always walk into my office and tell me it smells good, what it is?, (clove and lavender), but I cannot smell it anymore because I am in it all the time.  The same is true of my tea (Bengal spice) that I can not detect but others often comment upon it.


This morning we intended to go for a hike but there was an event happening that made it impossible to park the car where we meant to, so instead we went for coffee and a muffin, which was another pleasant option, but the whole time I was just waiting to come home and have sex.  This is the time in my life when I should be having less sex drive, but the opposite is happening.  I wonder why.  It is terribly distracting.


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