Saturday, December 12, 2015

about the story

In a daring display of social anxiety, I skipped the staff Christmas party last night.  Not the ladies' one that I'm supposed to "co-host" but the whole staff one.  I hate that party.  I ignored my phone, which was making indignant pinging sounds as the party went on.  I like this age of text messages where I can just pretend I lost my phone.  It makes it much easier to skip parties.

I once skipped a party I'd promised to attend and one of my friends phoned me from the bar to find out where I was.  This was the days before cell phones, when one had to borrow a phone from the bartender who would drape the long cord over the bar while you talked.  She said, Lisa oh my god where are you!  K is worried sick!  Just as she said that, I heard K's voice slurring in the background:  Gimme another Grasshopper.  That was back when I felt compelled to make up excuses about car troubles and sudden violent illnesses.


Today I revealed something very personal to someone I do not know very well, but about whom I have a good feeling.  I tend to think my instincts about people are accurate.  So far she has responded exactly right.  It is possible she is more trustworthy than I am.


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