Friday, February 19, 2010


I stole the zebra today. I hadn't been planning to.

Well maybe I had. I mean the thought had crossed my mind a couple of times, but I hadn't planned to do it today. It was just something I'd imagined vaguely. Maybe I mentioned it to Shawn who told me to stop being a lunatic and go to sleep.

I was only going up there to say hello to RW. But he wasn't there. The door was wide open, no RW, no students in the classroom, nothing between me and the zebra. Except the fact that the zebra was too big for me to carry it alone. I went next door to borrow a couple of kids from the Program. If there's any part of this that might land me in hell, it's the fact that I used mentally handicapped children to help me steal the zebra and carry it down the hall, into the elevator, and out to the theatre. The zebra is now locked in the sound room and the Program kids are busting with their great big secret.

I don't know what happens next. I acted too fast without a plan in mind. I couldn't think all day because I could imagine the zebra behind that door, kicking at the walls and stomping its little hooves. I wonder what I should do with it.



heartinsanfrancisco said...

I can totally understand your compulsion to take the zebra. Getting him off-site does represent a problem, though, doesn't it?

Don't you have an adult friend who would assist you in the endeavor so you don't have to utilize child labor, especially since they are likely to talk? Unfortunately, I am not in Canada, but surely we can come up with something. Is there any way you could borrow a building key and make a copy of it? Many good and worthy projects have been accomplished under cover of darkness, or on the weekends. Spiritually, I've got your back but we'll have to do better than that.

mischief said...

Oooh you're diabolical. Beware... I fall in love easily. I am certain I can find an adult friend to help me do terrible things, but *what* terrible things?

Ellen said...

oh me me me..i volunteer!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

What is this "terrible" you speak of? You are saving wildlife. Isn't that what Canadians DO?

mischief said...

@kels- You're coming here? Get on the road now, I need help fast.

@heart - Terrible, I extrapolated terrible didn't I? I don't want to do terrible things to the zebra, I want to do terrible things to RW. I don't know why... he's a nice man. I just feel like torturing him. I want to take away the zebra because he loves it. There's this inexplicable knot of cruelty I cannot explain. I want to see how far he will go to get Zippy back... I want to see if I can make him cry. I'm horrid. But I do not feel bad about it.