Sunday, June 05, 2022

Fuck you CC

S makes fun of the way people disappear after they piss me off. Disappear doesn't mean that they go missing or that they turn up dismembered, floating through the bay. They go on leave. They get moved to new workplaces. I don't deny that I am connected - but only peripherally - to that kind of disappearance. Something I notice about much of the world is their complacency to do anything about it when they are legitimately harassed or when big injustices occur. It isn't that I go looking for fights, but I also fight back when I am stepped on. Pretty much without fail. I don't know why that is my default while others default to turtle position. It hasn't always been like this; but there came a time when I must have drawn a line. Yesterday I made a decision to report a colleague whose upcoming time theft plans will keep me at work overtime until the end of the year doing her job on top of my own. I don't have to report this. Reporting it won't get me back my time. But I reported it anyway, because I am sick and tired of working with idiots who seek ways out instead of ways through the things that are difficult. I wonder if I am collecting bad debt in doing this. But somehow it allows me some measure of peace to think I have punched back. I acknowledge my conflict of interest. And still hope that HR dismembers this slug and sends all the pieces, Luka Magnotta style, to various constituency offices and to the local elementary schools.

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