Thursday, June 18, 2020

high touch surfaces

There is a commercial on television getting a lot of play lately that shows a young woman, 25ish, waking up abruptly.  She has overslept.  And for some unfathomable reason she absolutely MUST shave her legs before she can leave for work, even though she's late.  So she is bending herself into ridiculous yoga postures on her bedroom floor, diving into the splits, so she can dry-shave her legs as fast as possible before she flies out the door, triumphant and smooth.  I am trying to remember if I have ever in my life needed to shave my legs so badly, and I can't think clearly.   I would prefer to believe not, but maybe... not before work, though.  Only before going to the Warehouse where I hoped I might dance with someone close enough that he might surreptitiously slip a hand under my skirt and appreciate my efforts.  But before going to work?  Nope, don't think so.


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