Wednesday, November 06, 2019

pending outcomes

And A's brother died yesterday afternoon.  When he called to tell me I was confused.  How could his brother be dead?  Wasn't it Jesse's brother who died?  Two people I love are going through this at the same time?  Like Jesse's brother, A's brother had young kids.  He was only 40.  A will be going home to his prairies for services; this changes my plans for the weekend, which is totally fine.  I have no place in this grieving process.  I am lingering on the periphery, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, and wishing I had someone to hug.


My conversation with the VP turned out to be about M and her incompetence.  It is always reassuring at first to hear that other people see the same thing I see.  But then it always moves to a place of being frustrating that no one is going to do anything about it.  It isn't possible, I suppose, for much to happen in a unionized environment.  She is protected.  So I have satisfy myself with knowing that it took the new VP only about 8 weeks to be troubled enough by it to want to say something.


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