Tuesday, December 11, 2018

favourite people

Things about today -

1.  Today the DBS who audited our school files told me that mine were the best she has seen in the District.  This gave me, A). a momentary wave of pride, followed by B). a momentary wave of annoyance at everyone else in the District for being dumber than me, followed by C). a lasting wave of recognition that I am a lunatic who can never take a compliment without making it into something stupid.

2.  Today I did EMDR on a student who shared a trauma with me.  This was not my first attempt, but it was absolutely, to date, my best attempt.  It was textbook perfect.  I followed the protocol exactly, and she responded exactly the way we learned it; I did it right.  I think I was even more shocked than she was when we cleared the whole trauma in under an hour.

3.  Today I spent another small session with R, the selective mute student I previously wanted to avoid.  Not to brag, but today he spoke to me.  He said.... (get ready for it).... "uh huh".  He said it because I was talking about video games, not because we were talking about anything particularly meaningful, but the point is that he said something.  I'm celebrating small successes.

4.(a) I'm realizing that I am really good at my job when I can do one thing at a time instead of trying to do everything at once.  And I'm realizing that there will always be a million things to do and so I need to learn better ways to stem the tide when things get really wild.

4.(b) I'm realizing that I might eventually return to my PhD work, after giving it up for a very long time.  Maybe.


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