Wednesday, November 11, 2015

we'll see

Yesterday afternoon I had an appointment with my eye doctor.  I was forty-five minutes early which forced me to wander around the shops and buy shoes.  Buying shoes made me feel better about the fact that my eyes have been bothering me for the last few weeks; feeling dry and gritty and sore.  And kind people keep coming up and asking me if I've been crying, which I have not.  Less kind people are undoubtedly whispering that I must be high.  Because my eyes are red.

The eye doctor did that horrible test where they shoot a puff of air into your eye, and you're not supposed to blink, but it's so hard not to when you know that it's coming.  And she gazed into my eyes through that magical machine that makes it possible to see everything that's going on inside a person's eye.  And she put weird yellow drops in my eyes to test how quickly they would evaporate.

Her diagnosis was not earth shattering.  I have dry eyes.  They hurt because they are dry.  And they are dry because they hurt.  And so forth.

I have some eye drops.  And instructions about warm compresses twice a day.  It seems to be helping.  But it might just be the shoes.


1 comment:

Secret Agent Woman said...

My optometrist doesn't use the air puff, but instead a thing that touches your eyeball. Freaks me out.

New shoes are at least helpful.