Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Open Letter to Teachers' Association

Dear Union,

I know you care very much about me.  I know this because you say you do, and I know you never lie.  But still, sometimes you make me feel icky.  A few ways you could help me to feel less icky are:

1.  Don't drag me to court to testify against my employer when I have nothing negative to say about my employer.

2.  Don't call me a liar when I don't say what you want me to say.

3.  Don't tell me unions are meant to defend contracts rather than people.  People pay for unions to exist.

4.  Don't promise me a vote regarding job action when you plan to make my decisions for me anyway.

5.  Don't hold union meetings that involve shouting, rudeness, bullying, insults, and unprofessional behaviour.

6.  Don't protect union members who are abusing the system at my expense.

7.  Stop ramming your agenda down my throat.  Give me information and let me make my own decision.

8.  Follow through with promises made to the public.

9.  Start contract negotiations with reasonable requests rather than inflating them ridiculously.  Bargain in good faith even if the employer won't.

10.  Send information via email rather than printing an expensive, glossy, multicoloured magazine filled with typographical errors and street lingo.

Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.  (Oscar Wilde)



heartinsanfrancisco said...

Yes, it sounds as if it is an ass. Your requests (since you are probably not empowered to make demands, unfortunately) sound more than reasonable. If only they were met with attitudes that were also reasonable. I'm sorry you feel icky. I would, too, in your situation.

mischief said...

I think we will be on strike next week for a few days. The only thing worse than the union is the government. Sigh...

Jerry said...

The country bureaucracy, the company bureaucracy, the union bureaucracy -- all serving their own needs. The bureaucracy.

If only someone with your thoughts could be in charge.

mischief said...

I'd make a terrible leader, I think. My decision making would be based on gut instinct and emotion instead of logic and reason and numbers. I would end up assassinated or something.

Nic said...

Have you got a store cupboard? I only ask because when the politics of teaching (and how many varieties of politics there were) got too much, I hid in the store cupboard until it was all better.

Thinking about it now, I sort of miss that store cupboard. I am going to make space in the airing cupboard today. Of course, only you and your friends on here will know I have done this, so if I go quiet for a number of days, please phone the emergency services as I am not entirely sure if the cupboard has a handle on the inside.

:-/ xxx P

mischief said...

Store cupboard is a wonderful idea. Mine is currently packed with granola bars and crackers and soup and hopefully some wine. But if necessary I could clear it out and move in. Okay, if you get trapped your cupboard, two knocks means "let me out" and three means "I'm drinking the wine in here so leave me alone". Same for me.

Nic said...

Giggle x P