Friday, October 20, 2006

cries to her husband Daddy our baby

The talking is easy. I've known you most of my life now and it seems like I can't remember what it was ever like not to tell you things. Correcting your spelling is automatic, just like saying I'll have whatever you're having when ordering drinks. We don't even mean these things anymore; we just do them because they're habitual. Saying I love you is habitual too, but this is a habit that I still mean and I think about the words every time I say them so they never become empty.

When we go out together I love to watch how you talk with other people. I've been trying to figure out your magic since the ninth grade and never gotten any closer. The fact that it hasn't faded after all these years makes me know this is no David Blaine kind of trick. It's not so much magic as it is charisma but you use it magically, never allowing it to stop you from doing the right thing or letting it make you take advantage. There was a time when I wanted you to be more dangerous. Now I'm old enough to see how lucky I am to be safe with you.

You make me confident in a way I am nowhere else, with no one else. You make me believe I am everything. You make be believe I am loved - having forgotten at times that such a thing even existed. With you all the insecurities and inadequacies are soothed. I stop wishing for anything to be different.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, I got your letter in the mail and I would like you to reconsider, please.