Monday, November 14, 2022

Total defiance

my watch just suggested that i "take a break". while i appreciate this idea, the timing is odd, since i am already lounging on the couch like a sloth. i am not sure how much more relaxed i can get unless i go to bed. (which isn't to say that i'm opposed to the idea of going to bed.) i spent a nonsensical amount of time trying to access my courses on the university website before i finally gave in and enlisted tech support. if the whole program is going to go like this it might just be too hard for me. tech support sent me new credentials and we pretended it never happened. rw told me that getting a doctorate isn't about being smart, it's just about hanging in. i wondered if this was an insult or if it was meant to be reassuring. (i did not feel reassured.) -- and i find rw's neck beard a bit disgusting. he is a man who travels softly between looking rugged and looking dirty, and while i believe my appetite for the latter is stronger than many women's, i do not find it appealing when rw starts to look like he lives in a tent on the downtown east side. anarchist guitar playing philosopher, yes. homeless man with beard mites, no.

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