Friday, October 07, 2022


ocassionally (and i hate to be a person who has to check how we spell ocassionally) J takes an interest in my life as a 25 year old. as she approaches 25 it occurs to her to wonder what i might have been like at 25, and it occurs to me to wonder if my recollections are at all accurate or if i imagine myself more composed, more certain, and more together than i actually was. i believe i was in my second year of teaching at this point. this would have been the year i dressed in a ninja costume to teach sex ed (condoms over bananas relay races). it's a miracle i wasnt fired or at least called into the principal's office to account for my antics. this was also the same year i poured a cup of water on a student's head from the second floor stairs down the main floor while i was supposed to be on hallway supervision. (why? because he was annoying. same reason i would have had if i was twelve.) twenty-five year old me was not particularly wise or level, but she was fun and she knew how to make herself laugh. when i started writing this i was imagining i was going to write things i remembered about T, but then i remembered he was gone by the time i was 25. i have been married for twenty years.

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