Friday, January 01, 2016

So it shines when you finally come home

Grey pewter skies and drizzle have given way to an unexpected real winter.  Winter with treacherous icy driveways and feathers of frost growing from the green grass and leaves beneath.  Misty cold skies.  It wakes me up.  It makes me slightly breathless.  It prickles my lungs.

Jennifer died.  It doesn't matter, I want to say, because I do not really know her very well.  But it matters because she was not thirty yet, and people that young are supposed to be safe from mortality a bit longer.  She died of a pulmonary embolism.  Lungs again.


I used the cookbook LM got me for Christmas, which is uncharacteristic behaviour on my part.  Cooking, that is.  I made a Thai green curry which was actually quite good.  It made a nice change from shortbread, which is all I have eaten for the last fourteen days.


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