Saturday, April 14, 2018


My heart aches for those affected by this terrible tragedy... blah blah blah... May this small gesture provide some comfort in their time of loss... blah blah blah.... --insert narcissistic selfie of me wearing hockey jersey, attempting a balanced blend of somber and cuteness--

I don't get how that provides anyone a "small measure of comfort".  It sort of makes me want to make retching noises at people.  But I should be kinder.  People want to make gestures, they just don't know how (while still clinging tightly to their wallets).


I keep having strange dreams of being back in high school where I am expected to perform mathematical feats of brilliance that I could not have accomplished when I was a student, let alone now with the benefit of more than twenty five years to forget what little I knew.  I wonder what this means.


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