Monday, May 28, 2018


I am booked the next two days to facilitate a mediation between two elementary teachers who are embroiled in a dispute.  Apparently they both applied for the same job, and since one got it and the other didn't, they have been fighting at work.  Yelling.  Harassing.  This sort of behaviour.  This kind of thing blows my mind, which I guess isn't appropriate for a mediator to say, but it really does.  Although I do not have the most effective filter when I am out in the wilds (especially while consuming wine), my filter at work is strong and effective.  I cannot fathom yelling at a co-worker - although imagining it is delicious.  If yelling at co-workers was an option, there are a number of people upon whom I would unleash my wrath --  and it would be satisfying.  (But why do people think they can do this??)


We are closing in on the end of the school year and I am hopeful that I have cleared the biggest of the hurdles to be faced.  D, of course, has been my most time-consuming and heart-wrenching investment.  I feel he is in a good place, as good as he can be.   Next year I will have my EMDR license and I see him at the top of my list of people who would benefit.  He has PTSD, for certain.  Meanwhile, his foster mother has formed a beautiful bond with him, enough so that he has decided to forego independent living and stay with her until he turns 19.  I see this as an incredible development.


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