Saturday, November 30, 2019


I'm going with T to the piercing studio in a few hours.  It's funny that I have found someone with the same addiction to piercing that I have; maybe it's a thing for kids who came of age in the 90s?  We go there often to add holes to our bodies, and it feels the same as it did at 21; the endorphins are still just as powerful.

I am balancing my teenage nonsense with an appointment with the physiotherapist on Monday to find out why my right knee is hurting.  I anticipate the answer will be that it has something to do with aging because I have not been doing anything that should have hurt it.  Although J and I have been going to the gym pretty regularly, I have not been running (against my instinct); she makes me lift weight instead, and corrects my form like a drill sergeant.

I have never had physiotherapy for anything other than my stupid balance issue, so I don't know what that looks like, but I have this fantasy that it will involve shining magical lasers into my knee that will make it heal instantaneously.  Is that a thing, magical lasers?  I feel like it might be, and I feel like I want it.


 Tonight I may go out with A for a short time; this is somewhat up in the air and I have mixed feelings about it.  Part of me wants to stay home with J instead and be lazy.  This obviously reflects some feelings I am having about the whole thing with A and my reluctance to address it.  And my recognition that it moves around too fast for me to be sure what it means.


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