Thursday, June 27, 2019


We are two days away from the end of the work year; these days are an uphill climb, which is the one of the biggest changes from my former to position to this one.  These last days of June used to be slow paced.  I would clean up my room, organize myself for the next year, and spend time with colleagues.  Now I am chained to my desk until the last minute, trying to make hundreds and hundreds of perfect schedules that leave no students - nor staff - upset and disappointed.  (This is an impossible and thankless task.)


Yesterday afternoon was the the golf tournament, and I can't say I particularly enjoyed it.  I actually played the game, which may be why it was less fun.  My teammates were invested in me in a way I didn't want them to be.  Maybe this is how students feel when I am invested in them passing classes they don't care about.  My team wanted me to be good at golf, and I could not have cared less.

Today it's pouring rain, for the first time in months.  This is good.  I want it to be dark and sleepy and quiet while I finish my work.


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