Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I worked my first day back from summer on Monday.  It was a nice day because I was working alone; the rest of my department was not invited for this one.  This was just me and my computer fixing up schedules.  It's fantastic how quickly things get done when you aren't being interrupted every five minutes.

I was interrupted at one point, however, by my adminstrator, K.  K wanted me to go through my notes (and memories) to see what instances I could recall of M's incompetence.  M is being investigated by the licensing body, and this is a serious thing, the kind of investigation that can result in a person losing their license if found grossly incompetent, and even if only found to be somewhat incompetent, a person's name can be published for all to see.  I think I might find that worse than losing my license.

Something that surprised me was the fact that K doesn't seem to have her own file or memories of all the crazy things that M has done in the last few years.  Things that been burned into my memory.  Maybe this means K is disorganized.  (Or maybe it means I ruminate too much.)  It seems to me that the fact that M has been allowed to continue her pattern of incompetence for so long is a comment on several cylces of administration as well as it is on her.  The fear of our union (I assume) has prevented them from taking appropriate action for a very long time, but it seems clear, now that the licensing body is investigating, that things have gone too far.

M did not make me very angry last school year.  She was only working half time, and so she had less time to be irritating.  In the time she was there, she seemed to be working more often than not (which is new) and seemed to get more done than she has in the last decade.  So she wasn't high on my radar.  (Interesting that now is when things are coming to light.)  I have gotten better at ignoring her too, which is a relief.  Frankly, I hope this investigation results in her being removed from her position - although I think this is unlikely - because sometimes I want to believe in Justice.

Next, C.  C is not grossly incompetent.  She is simply aggravating.  Obnoxious.  Entitled.  That kind of thing.  I guess she can't be investigated for that.  But I can work on doing a better job of ignoring her too.  And I will.  Because here comes September.


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