Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I met with GDJ and DH this morning along with their corporate client. The three men talked in acronyms the whole time so I didn't understand a lot of what was going on around me and instead I just smiled and tried to seem interested and attentive. I'm not sure why they had me attend the meeting at all, except that perhaps it was good for me to know who I was working for, and for him to know me. At the end of the business part of the meeting, they talked about hockey and golf, and so I continued to have nothing to contribute and went on smiling stupidly.

Finally it ended and I went for lunch with GDJ and DH. That part was nice because didn't talk about business much (or sports) or talk in acronyms. I felt like I could keep up at last. Talking to GDJ with someone else there was better... less opportunity for him to be inappropriate. I like DH too.

It sounded like they were going to be able to offer me a month's worth of full time work, writing scripts for educational programs. I don't have any idea what that will translate into in terms of pay, as that remains to be discussed, but I'm hoping it will be worthwhile because I want to contribute even if Shawn doesn't really mind either way.

After lunch I went to the registry to renew my car registration and found out that the insurance card I've been carrying for the last year is expired. This means NOT that I have been driving without insurance but that when the new card came I must have lost it because I know we've been paying for insurance! Even still, it's totally against the law to drive without proof of insurance and I'm sure lucky that I was never required to show my insurance card at any point since the old one expired. Now I'm waiting for a new one to come in the mail and praying I'm not stopped in the meantime.


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