Monday, October 28, 2019

forces at play

This afternoon the head of the HR department came out to interview a colleague about an incident, and requested me to witness the interview.  It is bizarre to me that the head of HR even knows who I am, let alone wants me to sit in on his confidential investigation meeting.  I am not sure what I have done to earn his trust in this regard, and not sure I really want to be trusted in this way.  Regardless, I sat in on the interview and tried not to say or do anything to give away the fact that I am secretly clueless.


Later in the day, I received an email from the Vice Principal who said she would like to meet with me as the head of the counselling department.  This was also a strange invitation because I see the VP every day and talk to her all the time, which makes me wonder what could possibly be going on that makes her want a more formal meeting with me.  Perhaps it is something as mundane as drawing up an invigilation schedule for exams.  But perhaps something fascinating is about to happen.


Tomorrow morning I am attending a workshop on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, which I think will be interesting.  And then Wednesday-Friday I will be at a course, learning about managing clients' anger.  Also interesting.  I love the part of my job that allows me to keep getting more education all the time.


This past weekend Shawn went camping with Big J, and I had an adventure of my own, mostly involving Moscow Mules, a drink that I'd never had before (strange).  These adventures leave me elated and bereft.  I do not know how to reconcile that at all.


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