Saturday, December 02, 2017

still D

My staff collects donations at Christmas for some of our most needy students, and puts together gift baskets for them to take home.  Usually these are students whose families could not otherwise afford presents.  Of course, this year, I have requested a basket for D.  Yesterday I put out a message to staff describing him (without identifying him) as a sixteen-year old boy who would be alone for the holidays, no parents; a gentle soul with no one but us to care for him.  I requested gifts, but I also asked if anyone knew someone who might want to give him a home for a few weeks while the fucking Ministry figures out what to do with him.

Within 12 hours I had gift cards for McDonalds and Subway, a rec pass, and multiple people asking for his shoe and clothing sizes.  These are my coworkers - who sometimes drive me completely insane - and yet, who I adore for this reason.  These are people, many of them, who can be counted upon to bring the love when the love matters most.  No one has offered a home yet, but I'm holding my breath a little because I have my eye on someone who would be perfect for the job...  Come on. Val.  You know you want him.


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